To have a proper estimation
of your
own skills and possibilities
and to know about common
conditions allows you to
identfy and head for realistic
Active career planning
If you are presently in a professional re-orientation phase or have concluded recently a university education or another education, you certainly have ideas about your professional future. However, you might not always know exactly how these aims can be achieved.
SONAR has for more than 15 years, international consultation experience in different branches. Whether it is to design a perfect application or you wish to have a prepearation for a personal interview or how to negotiate Sonar is the best choice for your career planning. We talk with you also about a realistic appraisal of your personal career chances and we help you in the search for the “suitable” employer in the “right” branch. We also appreciate keeping your personal data filed in case a suitable position comes up to us. Simply appeal to us, we treat your contact strictly confidentially.
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